Mashup Mix
Let Russ Cook
Cuz it's National
Tailgaters Day
What that means in the
Area of The Real Estate world.
Gator Lending
It means we might just fund your deals,
Earnest Money Deposits,
Bridge loans & Maybe the deal itself.
Oh Lamar should get
$49m this yr prorated.
& Bad Brett why dont
you help with the Water?
To Bill Russell
Via Liv Moods
Check her out
for Sports Betting
Oh yeah we're holding on to this
Nft Web 3 Domain
Till the team in the tech hub
Contacts us or our legal
Legal S Clarke
Found A post or 2 previous.
You cant dance
I'll Moonwalk all over you
With a water dance
You while doing the Salsa...
Go Artemis 1
Peace yall
I curate a page
The Xyz Files all roghts reserved
Every post is from someone else found on the Meta platforms so if they have a problem with me
Thats a joke
I meta sue yall
For duress
You really wanna do this.
Meta & The Algo's?
Chi ching in my future