Gigafactory1.crypto Gigafactory2.crypto Gigafactory3.crypto Gigafactory4.crypto Gigafactory5.crypto
Thank you Patty, I currently own gigafactory1.crypto gigafactory2.crypto gigafactory3.crypto gigafactory4.crypto gigafactory5.crypto These web 3 nft domains are uncensorable & can transfer over 276 cryptocurrencies .coms sell upwards of $25-$50m ea So we'll see I think there worth $7-$10m ea conservatively speaking I was only Commercial Lease Optioning each But in lieu of a asset like this I'll make it available for purchase. If funds go directly into sale of said assets/s Speaking of What title company would they contact? My portfolio is extensive but sometimes the innovation is too advanced even for the advanced. That's why Im advisory consultant to the top companies on the planet My humble Regards to the Beach/es Brent Realtors If you have Beach Properties anywhere around the Globe in your Portfolio $5m-$20m we'd be interested in taking a look @ them when we sell our assets funds in many cases go straight into the properties, If sai...