Updated Criteria List (5/1/22) and expectations

Updated Criteria List (5/1/22) and expectations: (For professional wholesalers/interested parties)

Thank you for submitting your leads for our consideration. We believe that working with professional wholesalers brings tremendous value to our business model and we hope that we can bring value to your operation as well!  
All submitted leads MUST include the following information to be considered as viable 
1. You must have had an actual phone conversation with the legal owner (s) of the property. 
2. The owner (s) must have acknowledged that they are indeed interested in selling their property. 
3. You must provide a specific reason or motivation that the seller has shared for wanting/needing to sell the property.
(ie. tired landlord, death in the family, seller in divorce situation, Job loss, Foreclosure, probate situation, etc.) 
4. Provide detailed notes from your phone conversation and other interactions with the seller.
5. ( Information gathering ) required*
  A. Square footage of the living spaces: 
  B. Square footage of the entire lot:
  C. Last update OR replacement- In Years- (    )/Kitchen), (    )/Bath 1, (    )/Bath 2, (    )/Bath 3 
  (    )/Roof, (    )/Water heater, (    )/Windows, (    )/Flooring, (    )/Exterior paint, (    )/Int. paint
  D. Are all doors in working order?  (      ) Are all windows in working order?  (      )
  E. Tennants? ( Mo. rent amount/ $                )
  FMortgage balance $
 G. Monthly PITI- $                  
  H. Arrears- $                       
  I.  ARV- $                        
  J. Cost of repairs to reach ARV. $                 ( For wholesaler use only- Determine yourself/OR ask very tactfully : )
  K. Owner (s) asking price $
6. Provide a timeline for how soon the seller would like to: 
"Close escrow"       (Days) (    ) 
"move out"      (Weeks) (    )
7. Rate the subject neighborhood -  For wholesaler use only-   Determine yourself/OR ask very tactfully : ) 
A High End (    ), B Upper middle class(    ), C Working class (    ) or D War zone (     )
8. Owner (s) name: 
Owner (s) Address:
Owner (s) phone:
Owner (s) Email:
9. List of all liens that encumber the subject property. (ie. mortgage balance, mortgage arrears, back taxes, mechanic's liens, etc.) 
You will receive updates on submitted qualified leads at predetermined milestones during the potential purchase transaction. (ie. First client contact, Purchase agreement,  OOE, COE)  

Thank you for your diligent work and your "dead leads!"
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